Sunday, 4 April 2010

Doctor Richard Horton

Q2 Conflicts of Interest and Dishonesty?

On YouTube


  1. Just brilliant.

  2. Thank you Alan Golding...... it was interesting viewing, and good to put faces to the names I am so familiar with since my 'autistic world' began over three years ago. Well done and thank you

  3. The videos of Dr. Wakefield (Q1 & Q2) are significant. However, the video of Brian Deer is too long, distracting, and appears vindictive. The sections in that video discussing single vaccines being pulled in September 1998, and where the parents whose children were part of the study continue to SUPPORT Dr. Wakefield, are powerful and should be made into a separate video. Bite-sized video snippets under 10 minutes are required for mass consumption. Keep up the good work.

  4. I have an autistic son who is almost identical to those in the video. My son also regressed immediately following the MMR. You want to see runny poop? Tantrums until he bites and claws himself? No functioning conversation? Come spend a day with my son. May TRUTH continue to be revealed. Thank you Dr. Wakefield for standing up to TRUTH. Stacie Matson

  5. Brave seekers of the truth must be heard and believed. Immoral people must not destroy the lives, credibilty and work of Wakefield and others pursuing and revealing the truth. Affected children deserve treatment and future generations must be protected from damage caused by greedy businesses and misguided governments. The increasing numbers and "burden of care" will be the catalyst to drive governments to act. Today's generation of affected people and tomorrow's generation of possible victims need moral people like Wakefield. Let's make the truth visible. People like Deer are all too easily bought. Let him have an autistic child and not look for answers!
